Because I'm Obsessed with Quotes

To begin with...there are going to be more than 25 quotes. But this little picture reminded me of something one of my favorite professors, Dr. Sexson, told me in college (okay, usually only people who've been out of college for awhile say it like that, but I can since I'm a real-life grown-up college degree holder!) a quote that has been attributed to several people, including Pablo Picasso:
"Bad artists copy. Good artists steal." I love this quote, because I find inspiration everywhere and occasionally feel like I have no creativity of my own. However, as this quote points out, there are few original ideas: creativity comes from making those ideas your own.
 Anyway, to end the longest introduction of all time, here's some fantastic quotes comin' at ya!

"He made the world to be a grassy road
Before her wandering feet." 
W.B. Yeats

"The joy is not the same
Without the pain."
Badly Drawn Boy

"Don't cry because it's over.
Smile because it happened." 
Dr. Seuss

"Whether we look,
Or whether we listen,
We hear life murmur,
Or see it glisten."
James Russell Lowell

"You know, when the truth is told,
You can get what you want,
Or you can just get old."
Billy Joel

"Whatever you cross,
Whatever the pain,
There will always be sunshine
After the rain." 

"No need to hurry.
No need to sparkle
No need to be anyone
But oneself."
Virginia Woolf

"And now, Harry,
Let us step into the night
And pursue that flighty temptress,
J.K. Rowling

"Dwell in possibility."
Emily Dickinson

"I am a part of all that I have met."

"Life does not give you the people you want:
It gives you the people you need to help you,
to love you, to leave you,
and to make you the person you were meant to be."

"Remember you are over the edge of the wild now,
and in for all sorts of fun wherever you go."
J.R.R. Tolkein

"And then he thinks he knows
The hills where his life rose."
Matthew Arnold

"We will go, nowhere we know,
We don't have to talk at all."

"Following the light of the Sun,
we left the Old World."
Christopher Columbus

"I may not have gone where I intended to go,
But I think I have ended up
where I needed to be."
Douglas Adams

"Wild as you are, all that love you
Must love you still."